A Message from Our President and CEO
We have high standards at Assurant. Nowhere is this more evident than our expectations for ethical conduct by our employees throughout our company. Consistent with The Assurant Way, our conduct reflects our culture and is built on the foundation of our uncompromising values: COMMON SENSE, COMMON DECENCY, UNCOMMON THINKING, and UNCOMMON RESULTS. By living these values, we are building a culture based on trust and respect, and solving tough challenges with integrity— all to fulfill our purpose of helping people thrive in a connected world.
To be a leading global business services company that supports, protects and connects major consumer purchases, we must earn the trust of our stakeholders. Our customers, employees, shareholders, and anyone else who interacts with Assurant must be able to trust that we’ll always operate with the highest ethical standards – that we’ll do the right thing, every time. Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (“Code”) unites us. It guides our decision-making and how we treat one another and our customers.
Each of us is responsible for helping us to stay consistent and true to our values. This Code will help you become familiar with the policies and principles that define how we do business and help you make decisions consistent with them. Every employee is expected to read and understand our Code to ensure that your day-to-day actions and decisions proudly reflect the values of Assurant. You must seek out answers to questions when you have them and speak up when you’ve observed potential violations of our Code and our policies. We’re committed to fostering an environment where all employees feel comfortable using their voice and being heard.
I ask each of you to join me in making a personal commitment to live our values and abide by our Code in everything we do. This will promote our company’s success and make us all proud to work for Assurant.
Keith Demmings
President and
Chief Executive Officer